Minggu, 15 Mei 2011

Boy 9 year Taliban Recruited So Bomber!

Disclose the testimony of an Afghan intelligence
boys about what the Taliban didoktrinkan him.
With the plain, the boy admitted that he would be
bubuh bombers themselves.
He is Ghulam Farooq, 9-year-old boy from Pakistan.
In conducting the action, he does not own. He along with two
Another man detonates suicide bombings targeted at areas
eastern Afghanistan.
"Mullah we say, when we conduct bomb attacks
suicide, people around us must die. But, he said,
we are not going to die, "said Farooq, as quoted by the
Presson Sunday (15/05/2011).
The three boys were ordered to the east of Afghanistan. There
they will meet with two members of the Taliban who already
waiting on the border of Torkham, Nangarhar Province.
This recognition is presented to journalists in an effort
mungubah public opinion against Tailiban.
Afghan intelligence officials say Taliban
change their target to be young boys,
because they are more easily indoctrinated than adults.
The boy also easier to believe what the members of the Taliban
"The Taliban recruiting children and using them to
suicide attacks in Afghanistan, "spokesman
Afghan Intelligence Service Latifullah Mashal told reporters.
"Children are innocent people had been duped and sent to
he concluded.
However, the Taliban denied the accusations. Taliban spokesman
Yousef Ahmadi said, if the use of children in
under age and they lived in military centers, then it
including in violation of code of ethics.
Instead, he alleges that the child is working
military to Afghanistan. "The kids join the ranks of
enemy. Afghan army to take advantage of
their ignorance of the lack of knowledge, "he said.
Farooq and the other children were detained in a special detention
resembles a vocational training center. There is no guard
armed, and have classroom and playground.
Farooq claimed, while in their custody school. He and
Other children are given the opportunity to learn to weave
carpets and other handicrafts. This group holds a special detention
dozens of boys who stumble criminal cases.

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